Nothing compares to the feeling of hitting the road on your motorcycle, especially when the riding conditions are perfect and you have nothing to slow you down. In fact, many people prefer to take long road trips on their bikes to get as much fresh air as possible. But all that extra mileage adds up in a number of ways, including the toll it takes on your body.

As with any road trip, you’ll probably be sore at the end of every day, but there are ways to mitigate this so you’re not exhausted. One way is to upgrade your motorcycle with a windshield if it doesn’t have one already. We have provided some tips to help you find the perfect windshield for your bike. Read on to learn more!

Why Get a Windshield?

So, why get a windshield at all? How does that help keep you from getting too tired over the course of your trip? Think about what happens when you’re traveling down the highway at top speeds, or even just cruising through the city at comfortable speeds. All the wind, debris, and precipitation that other drivers are spared in their giant cages, you’ll have to deal with head-on. If there’s nothing in front of you to block or redirect this material, your body will spend nearly every minute tense and trying to stay upright and focused. Even if you can normally travel for hours without stopping, you may find you’re too tired after a short period of time to continue. 

A windshield helps deflect this material, either over your head or around your body. Not only is this perfect for the wind that assaults you on the road, but it can also be helpful if you find yourself suddenly stuck in a shower with no way of pulling off.

Types of Windshields

While there are a variety of aftermarket parts to give you a suitable windshield, it’s often best to try to match the bike’s manufacturer to the windshield. This not only makes the installation process easier but also helps you match styles and paint colors to avoid jarringly mismatched motorcycle pieces.

You can get windshields that cover a variety of needs. If you need something sturdy that won’t wobble around too much, you’ll probably find the perfect part for our mechanics to install. However, not everyone wants or needs a windshield for every outing and some riders prefer a “clip-on” version that they can remove as needed. You can also get one that’s adjustable, so you won’t have to worry about getting the height right on the first try. Check out your options before settling on one so you can be sure it’s the windshield you’ll need.

Proper Windshield Height

Just getting the windshield isn’t enough. Whether you have a professional install it or you install it yourself, you’ll want to make sure it’s set at just the right height. A windshield that’s set too low will most likely blow all that wind and debris in your face, making matters worse. However, if it’s set too high it can get in the way of your field of vision. The happy medium is just below your line of sight.

We hope that this guide has been helpful! If you’re looking to buy a motorcycle, be sure to visit Desperado Harley-Davidson® in McAllen, TX. We welcome all our patrons visiting us from Edinburg.